Friday, December 22, 2006


CONGRATULATIONS to the Gibbsboro Education Association on their recently ratified contract. This association was able to achieve a $51,000 start salary!!! This will be the first Camden County local to meet the NJEA goal of “$50,000 the first day.”

Thursday, December 14, 2006



The Region 3 UniServ office would like to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude for your participation in the “Back-Off Rally” on December 11. In the usual Camden County style, you came through in record numbers. We realize that you made personal sacrifices on behalf of many, many people. You have our personal thanks for helping us to exceed our county expectations.

We would like to wish each of you a joyous holiday filled with peace, hope, and plenty of rest. You have surely earned it!!!

Donna Maurer and Gail Coudriet
Region 3

Friday, December 08, 2006


As you may know, the Legislature had announced its intention to push S-40 and A-2 through without adequate committee review and without adequate public comment. Together with the CWA and host of other unions, NJEA scheduled a news conference yesterday afternoon to denounce both the process and the legislation. That news conference was cancelled because there was a breakthrough development.

Governor Corzine told the legislators that the most harmful provisions of the legislation must be removed immediately so that he can negotiate them with the state public employee unions.
The following provisions of the bill will be removed:

--Moving part-time employees into a defined contribution plan
--Capping unused sick leave payouts at retirement
--Implementing the uniformity clause
--Eliminating the non-forfeitable right for new hires to their pensions
--Automatic pension forfeiture for public employees convicted of a crime
--Precluding public employees charged with a crime from participating in the pre-trial
intervention program
--Changing the highest average salary average for pension calculation from three to five years
and for vets from one to three years
--Moving accidental and ordinary disability coverage to a private carrier.

While these provisions will be removed from the bill, we still have challenges ahead with these concepts. There will be more battle to come, but we wanted you to know that the pressure we have already put on the legislature and our relationship with the governor is making a difference. We look forward to seeing you at our great rally on Monday!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


On December 4th Senator Richard Codey, Senate President (District 27) introduced bill #S-40. This bill, if passed into law, would implement some of the recommendations of the Joint Legislative Committee on Public Employees Benefits Reform which would affect certain conditions of employment for public employees. The bill is 131 pages long and is currently being researched by NJEA.

The Assembly version of the senate bill, A-2 is sponsored by Nellie Pou (District 35) and Tom Giblin (District 34). Again, this bill is approximately 131 pages and is also being analyzed by NJEA.

NJEA opposes many of the changes in these bills and will work diligently to protect the earned benefits of our members.

As more definitive information becomes available, NJEA will communicate with its members the impact this legislation will have on their employment.

Friday, December 01, 2006


The CWA has planned several regional meetings around the state to address the same issues as our rally on the 11th. We have been asked to supply some members to attend these events.

In the south, there will be two meetings, as follows:

12/5 @ the Holiday Inn on the Marlton Pike in Cherry Hill - 6 - 7:30 p.m.
12/6 @ the Clarion Hotel on the Black Horse Pike in Egg Harbor Township - 6 - 7:30 p.m.

We are reaching out to you, as association leaders, to see if you or your LAT chairs will be able to attend one of these meetings.

Following are a few questions questions and answers you may have:

1. What should we do at the meeting? Just attend.
2. Are there any marching orders? Talking points will be distributed at our meeting on
Monday, Dec. 4.
3. Will any NJEA leaders be speaking? Those plans are being worked out as you are reading
this message.
4. What about LATs? They should be your first request.
5. What is the timeline for this? We would like a rough estimate of who is able to attend by
noon on Monday the 4th.