At 4 pm on Friday afternoon, NJEA learned that by the end of the day, the Assembly was going to introduce a bad piece of legislation that will cap tax levies. To make matters worse (if that seems possible) the Assembly plans to vote on it on Monday afternoon. The Senate will introduce their version on Monday and is planning to put it up for a vote on February 5th. This legislation has the potential to have devistating and far-reaching impact on the collective bargaining process.
We have put an alert on the NJEA website, updated the Cyberlobbying Legislative Action Center with a pre-written message for members to e-mail the Governor and their legislators, and sent out a “Cyberlobbee News” to 65,000 members.
As always…. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Please do your best to get this information out to your members. We need to put the pressure on by this afternoon. Perhaps you may want to have a quick cyberlobby activity immediately at the end of your workday. Click on at the right of the blog and then click on Cyberlobbying.
Many thanks for your support and your cooperation.