In preparation for upcoming implementation of Paid Family Leave Act, all local leaders are advised to be alert for any Board resolutions or policy adoptions related to child-rearing leaves (sometimes called maternity leaves), leaves due to the adoption of children, illness-in-the-family leaves, or any form of family sickness/disability leave.
Local leaders should also review Board actions over the last six (6) months for any activity in these areas. Any activity should be reported to the UniServ regional office immediately, no matter how unimportant it may seem.
Local leaders should contact their field reps for assistance with negotiation as to any action or proposals as to any aspect of family illness/disability or child-rearing leave, including, but not limited to, any proposed private insurance for such leaves. Particular attention must be given to actions or proposals regarding the use of sick days or other paid time off with regard to family illness/disability or child-rearing leaves.
Please contact UniServ with the information you have gathered no later than Friday, December 5.