The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) is an advocacy organization for the public school employees of New Jersey and is an affiliate of the National Education Association. NJEA represents more than 200,000 members. Regions 3 / 4 are two offices that service nearly 12,000 members from Camden County.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The site was registered anonymously, in order to make it more difficult to track the site operator. Since yesterday morning, we have succeeded in forcing Google to stop others from using NJEA trademarked materials in advertisements. The site is still online, in a different format, and it is still using "NJEA" in its name. We continue to pursue all avenues to force the site operator to stop using NJEA’s name or any images which would mislead the public into believing that it is affiliated in any way with NJEA. We are pursuing available legal recourse against the site operator.
We are intentionally not providing a link to the site because we do not wish to drive any additional traffic or attention to it, which might grant it an appearance of legitimacy. However, we wanted to make you aware of it in case you get questions from members, or hear about it from other sources. It also serves as a warning to everyone who operates a website to be careful about what else is available online. If the opponents of public education are willing to stoop to this level of dishonesty, we should expect that there are likely to be more dirty tricks of this type. Be alert, and if you see anything suspicious online, please let NJEA know immediately.
Monday, March 29, 2010
1. Thank you for your call.
2. Please tell the governor he may be surprised to know that my members
already pay towards their health coverage.
3. Even if we agree to freeze wages he has cut so much that layoffs are
4. We have great schools here. I represent really terrific people and he has
demonized them beyond repair.
5. My local will consider your request very carefully.
We are sending this information quickly and have not had time to confirm the identity of the caller.
If you receive one of these phone calls, it would be helpful if you would kindly contact the UniServ office to let us know. This may help in identifying any pattern or assist us in identifying the caller.
As always, thank you so much for all that you do on behalf of your members.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Please RSVP to your UniServ office ASAP and no later than Friday, March 12, so that we can determine the number of buses that will be needed. Details will be sent to you early next week regarding transportation.
Additionally, we are asking every local president to do the following:
- Every local president calls to schedule a meeting with their legislators. No response? Then call again.
- Every local association put activities in place for members to call, write, fax, and email their legislators.
- Encourage members to sign up for the legislative dinner on March 25.
The message is simple. The issues before you, as a legislator, are important and deserve careful scrutiny and research. We are asking members of the assembly to support the principles of collective bargaining.
Consultants will be contacting each local president at the end of the week for a report as to what was done regarding the bulleted directives. Presidents who fail to respond to our consultants will receive a personal phone call from their UniServ office as to why an association would fail to carry out these directives.
Any president who needs assistance should contact their UniServ rep for additional help. We strongly urge you and your members to monitor to keep abreast of the issues. This site changes almost daily.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Dear Neighbor,
Senator Fred Madden & Assemblyman Paul Moriarty