Wednesday, March 10, 2010


As you know, an urgent meeting has been called for all local presidents Statewide on Thursday, March 18 at the East Brunswick Hilton. This meeting will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m. It is crucial that you make this your utmost priority.

Please RSVP to your UniServ office ASAP and no later than Friday, March 12, so that we can determine the number of buses that will be needed. Details will be sent to you early next week regarding transportation.

Additionally, we are asking every local president to do the following:

  • Every local president calls to schedule a meeting with their legislators. No response? Then call again.
  • Every local association put activities in place for members to call, write, fax, and email their legislators.
  • Encourage members to sign up for the legislative dinner on March 25.

The message is simple. The issues before you, as a legislator, are important and deserve careful scrutiny and research. We are asking members of the assembly to support the principles of collective bargaining.

Consultants will be contacting each local president at the end of the week for a report as to what was done regarding the bulleted directives. Presidents who fail to respond to our consultants will receive a personal phone call from their UniServ office as to why an association would fail to carry out these directives.

Any president who needs assistance should contact their UniServ rep for additional help. We strongly urge you and your members to monitor to keep abreast of the issues. This site changes almost daily.