Wednesday, June 28, 2006

State Budget News

During the next several days, the Governor and the Legislature will be working on a new budget for 2006-2007. NJEA is hopeful that those deliberations will result in a state budget before July 1, 2006. If that is not the case, we may ask you to contact some of your members to lobby legislators over the July 4th weekend.

We have made arrangements for our office to be “ready to assist” any emergency lobbying effort that might become necessary.

We ask that you do the following:

1. Check your email regularly. This will be the most efficient way to contact you.

2. Watch the news over the next few days with an eye on the NJ Statehouse. The news
seems to change by the minute.

We hope that the legislators do their job, and go home for a very nice weekend. However, we need to remain vigilant whenever pension funding and school aid are topics of discussion in Trenton.

Thank you.