Wednesday, October 18, 2006

State Health Benefits Program

Proposed Legislation by Senator Gormley

Senator William Gormley (R-Atlantic) has proposed a bill which would make drastic changes to the State Health Benefits Program. While the text of this legislation is not yet available, we know that several of its provisions are highly objectionable. The proposed legislation would mandate premium sharing by employees and would eliminate NJ Plus and the traditional components of the state plan in favor of a PPO (preferred provider option).

The bill, S-2282, would affect state, county, municipal, and school employees within the SHBP. As soon as GR and Research can analyze the full text of this bill, we will share additional information. S-2282 is not expected to be considered until such time as the current special session is concluded in mid-November.

NJEA members should contact Senator Gormley’s office via phone, letter, fax or email to let him know their strong objections to his proposed legislation.

SENATOR William Gormley, R
Hamilton Mall, Suite 108
Black Horse Pike
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
(609) 646-3500 (609) 646-6735 FAX e-mail address