Wednesday, December 06, 2006


On December 4th Senator Richard Codey, Senate President (District 27) introduced bill #S-40. This bill, if passed into law, would implement some of the recommendations of the Joint Legislative Committee on Public Employees Benefits Reform which would affect certain conditions of employment for public employees. The bill is 131 pages long and is currently being researched by NJEA.

The Assembly version of the senate bill, A-2 is sponsored by Nellie Pou (District 35) and Tom Giblin (District 34). Again, this bill is approximately 131 pages and is also being analyzed by NJEA.

NJEA opposes many of the changes in these bills and will work diligently to protect the earned benefits of our members.

As more definitive information becomes available, NJEA will communicate with its members the impact this legislation will have on their employment.